Last night, Professor Elizabeth Warren addressed the convention in Charlotte, and true to form she attacked all her usual villains - successful people, Republicans, businesspeople, energy companies. The party activists in the audience loved her speech and I did, too, but for a different reason. They got excited by her rock-throwing partisanship. I liked her speech because it lays out clearly the sharp differences between Harvard Law Professor Warren and me.
Between now and Election Day, I'll be pointing out the sharp differences, but will you help me with the financial resources I will need to deliver my message?
The Progressive Campaign Committee sees Professor Warren as today's liberal rock star and tomorrow's presidential candidate so they have already raised a quick and cool million dollars for her. They've even established a new "wing" of the party in her name. It used to be called the extreme-left wing. Now they call it the "Elizabeth Warren wing." But that's not where most Massachusetts voters reside.
She'll raise millions more from her star-studded friends, the celebrity chic, and Hollywood crowd who hang on her every word. They want me gone, but will you help me win through your online generosity. Will you help right now with a contribution of $150, $75, or $25?
Warren had a lot to say last night, but she didn't bother mentioning the things that have made her most famous. No mention of how she thinks no one got successful without government. Nothing about being the self-proclaimed "intellectual founder" of the radical Occupy protests. And despite speaking at length about her upbringing, there was no mention of the supposed Native American ancestry she claims is so much a part of who she is.
We have exactly 61 days to deliver our independent, pro-limited government, pro-small business, pro-growth and jobs message across the Commonwealth. Will you take matters into your own hands by making your online contribution for $100, $50, $25 or more for our TV and radio spots, targeted letters and direct mail?
I will be grateful because I need your support right now to win.
Between now and Election Day, I'll be pointing out the sharp differences, but will you help me with the financial resources I will need to deliver my message?
The Progressive Campaign Committee sees Professor Warren as today's liberal rock star and tomorrow's presidential candidate so they have already raised a quick and cool million dollars for her. They've even established a new "wing" of the party in her name. It used to be called the extreme-left wing. Now they call it the "Elizabeth Warren wing." But that's not where most Massachusetts voters reside.
She'll raise millions more from her star-studded friends, the celebrity chic, and Hollywood crowd who hang on her every word. They want me gone, but will you help me win through your online generosity. Will you help right now with a contribution of $150, $75, or $25?
Warren had a lot to say last night, but she didn't bother mentioning the things that have made her most famous. No mention of how she thinks no one got successful without government. Nothing about being the self-proclaimed "intellectual founder" of the radical Occupy protests. And despite speaking at length about her upbringing, there was no mention of the supposed Native American ancestry she claims is so much a part of who she is.
We have exactly 61 days to deliver our independent, pro-limited government, pro-small business, pro-growth and jobs message across the Commonwealth. Will you take matters into your own hands by making your online contribution for $100, $50, $25 or more for our TV and radio spots, targeted letters and direct mail?
I will be grateful because I need your support right now to win.
Scott Brown
United States Senator
The People's Seat
United States Senator
The People's Seat
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