Firefox does everything I need to do, I see no need to use another browser. For years browsing was a problem, Firefox solved it and I've been here since. There's nothing Chrome can do for me...well...maybe one thing.
Let's Try |
Ok, so it's fast. I agree, it loads pages pretty dang quickly.
However, there's a lot more to the Internet these days than pure browser speed. RSS readers, news aggregation, "the social net", media streaming,
...hold on...watching the Gene Hackman cameo scene in Young Frankenstein. Best ever..., to show us how fast Chrome can mine our data they decided to release a bunch of videos. The videos have a bunch of Google eggheads building Rube Golderg machines; showing us that Chrome can open a page faster than lightening, or a potato gun, or a bullet...whatever.
You can find the video over at techcrunch, while interesting and fun to watch they left me with one single question.
Does the guy that tells us they've moved on to the Idaho potato really have that haircut?
What a prick!
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